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您现在的位置:中国泵阀网 >> 上海泉成泵阀制造有限公司 >> 供应信息 >> 卧式离心泵

普通会员  注册日期: 2011/11/13  
离心泵系列 (3)
隔膜泵系列 (2)
污水泵系列 (3)
给水泵系列 (1)
磁力泵系列 (2)
消防泵系列 (6)
螺杆泵系列 (2)
化工泵系列 (2)
油泵系列 (1)
屏蔽泵系列 (1)
联 系 人: 赵先生
腾 讯 QQ: 在线咨询
资质证书: 0 项
工商信息: 已核实
经营模式: 生产型
主营生产: 离心泵,多级泵,消防泵,自吸泵,排污泵。磁力泵等。
所在地区: 辽宁沈阳市
供应产品: 23 条
价格说明: 3200元/台
最小起订: 1台 联系电话: 15122224549
所在地区: 辽宁 沈阳市 发布时间: 2012年7月31日
供货能力: 100台 有效时间: 2013年7月31日



1. QCW horizontal clear water pump is used to transport clear water or other liquids with similar physical and chemical properties as clear water, with a working medium temperature less than 80℃, which is applicable for industrial and urban water supply and drainage, pressurization and water supply for high-rise, sprinkling irrigation for garden, pressurization for fire control, long-distance transportation, refrigerating cycle in heating and ventilation, pressurization of cold and hot water circulation for bathroom, fittings for equipment, and so on. Its working temperature is T≤80℃. 
2. QCWR horizontal hot water pump is applicable for house heating of civil buildings, enterprises and institutions with heating system, and heating system for such production processes as hot water pressurization, circulation and transportation, like high-temperature hot water for industrial boiler in such fields as power station, heat power station, waste heat utilization, metallurgy, chemical engineering, textile, wood processing and papermaking. Its working temperature is less than 120℃.
3. QCWH horizontal chemical pump is used to transport corrosive liquids with no solid particles and a similar viscosity as water, which is applicable for such sectors as petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, power, papermaking, food, pharmacy and synthetic fiber. Its working temperature is -20℃~+120℃.
4. QCWYG horizontal explosion-proof oil sump is applicable to transport non-corrosive, inflammable and explosive liquids in such industries as petroleum, light and textile industries, chemical engineering and machinery. The temperature of transported medium is -20℃~120℃ and its density is P<1000kg/m3.  
5. QCWHB horizontal stainless steel explosion-proof chemical centrifugal pump is used to transport corrosive, inflammable and explosive liquids with no solid particles and a similar viscosity as water, which is applicable for such sectors as light and textile industries, petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, mine, pharmacy and synthetic fiber. Its working temperature is -20℃~+120℃. It is used to transport oil products like gas, kerosene and diesel oil or other inflammable and explosive liquids. The temperature of transported medium is -20℃~+120℃. 
6. QCWD horizontal low rotation speed pump is applicable for occasions with very low requirements for environment noise, whose working temperature is T≤120℃. 

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地址:沈阳市铁西区建设中路 邮编:110034 网址:http://quanchengp.com/
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